Microsoft Kin Two Review

So, you have Verizon, you want a smartphone, but you don't want the price of the data that comes with it.  Enter:  The Kin two by microsoft.  The Kin line of phones was discontinued about a year ago due to several reasons.  First of all, it was basically just a prototype.  Microsoft used this phone as a beta test for their operating system, which eventually became the windows 7 phone os.  Also, this phone served another important purpose.  It was the first phone to have an online sync. system.  Basically, they developed a system to connect your phone to the internet "cloud service."  From here, your pictures, videos, music, etc. could be viewed on your computer as well.  The reason the phone failed was because it was marketed as a smartphone, which i'll come back to later.

The Kin Two is a decent phone, and it definitely has its strong points.  This phone is without a doubt the most advanced phone that Verizon offers without a data plan.  This phone sports features found on more expensive phones, such as a 3.5mm headphone jack, 8gb memory for music, an excellent music player (with radio), a capacitive touch screen, and a slide out qwerty keyboard, and it has an 8mp camera with led flash.  So, as far as features go, this phone is pretty much the best of the feature phones.

But, as always, you can't have your cake and eat it two.  This phone definitely has its drawbacks.  First of all, the volume button does not deactivate when the screen is locked.  Yep, that means you might be surprised in a movie, when your phone rings at full volume.  Also, the phone can be quite laggy sometimes, and doesn't always ring, which is a MAJOR problem.   

So, basically to wrap things up,  the Kin is a pretty good phone, but the problems above really make it hard to recommend this device.  But, since this phone has wifi, it is pretty useful in some situations.  

Smartphone features in a feature phone
great camera
good keyboard

Crappy, but usable web browser
doesn't always ring
volume buttons don't turn off when screen locks

Status Report!!!

Ello everyone,
So far, we have been hard at work here at Gt Dev. Studios, and we are currently developing two games, both are platform shooters.  Khan is working on Pixel Partners, and I, Gweedin, am working on a super-mario style game, which does not have a name at the moment.  Pixel Partners should be coming out soon, and my game should be coming out within the next few months.

Thank's for visiting our site, and make sure to check back soon for updates, and releases!!!

Which Phone Should I Take???

With all these phones coming out, which one should you choose?
Well, first, lets start with the os (operating system):  here you have two main choices.  Although ios and android are not the only os's, they are definitely the most popular (which means they have more apps and more features).  So, which one is better?  Well, just by looking at these pictures, it is easy to see  the basic layout of these two operating systems. The iphone operating system has a simple, easy to use interface.  On the other hand, the android has a more advanced, and more open operating system.  Personally, I would choose android over iphone, for several reasons:  It is a very open interface (meaning all apps are allowed on the app store, and are not restricted at all by google).  Also, simple things such as a removable battery make android phones a more practical device than the iphone.  For novices, and people who might have a hard time navigating the interface, the iphone is a better choice.  Also, reasons to choose the iphone would be if you have a large itunes music collection, which may or may not be easy to load onto an android device.  The main drawback of the iphone, however, is the lack of a storage expansion slot (for sd cards).  Since android has this, you can buy a 10 dollar sd card to increase your phone's memory.  with the iphone, you have to pay a large up front price for more memory.  If you are in the market for a smartphone, some good brands are HTC, Samsung, Apple, and LG.  Also, depending on your carrier (T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, or Att) your phone selction will be different, so be aware of that.  Good luck!

Track Your Runs With Nike+

Nike+ is nothing new, as its been around since May 2006, but it is definitely one of the most underrated "run trackers" on the market.  With all these fancy GPS "run trackers" like the Garmin 610, a touch screen gps watch (pic below), how does Nike+ stack up?
Well, I've ben using my Nike+ sportwatch, and sensor combo, seen in the picture below, for about a year now.
And I have to admit, as much as I would like one of those sleek (although pricy) GPS watches, the Nike+ system is actually very accurate.  During my runs, I can easily look at stats, such as: calories burned, stopwatch, milage, mile pace, and time of day.  And best of all, the nike plus watch has a usb port to plug into a computer, where you can upload your run onto  Here, you can se detailed graphs that show milage, speed, and more!  Also, ou can set goals, join challenges, and even compete with friends.  Also, If you have an ipod touch, or an iphone, you can download the free nike+gps app to track your runs without a sensor.

Pretty Accurate
Easy to use
Cool Graphs on the website

Sensor should come with a way to attach it to any shoe, not just nike shoes
Nike Plus website is laggy

Nintendo 3DS Review

After working hard and gaining a substantial amount of money, I decided to get my hands on the new Nintendo 3DS.  I've been a great fan of Nintendo, playing their addicting and fun-filled games.  With the New DS upgrade in the family along with a number of great games announced to release during E3, I finally bought one.  The console doesn't disappoint.  Well, soon it won't anyway.

When beginning to try out the 3DS, the 3D effects CAN get a little tiring.  Your eyes may strain a little after playing for a few hours, but once you get used to it, it will go away.  In addition, there's a 3D depth slider you can adjust to whatever suits your eyes.  It's a great feature, I find myself adjusting the slider to explore the difference it makes to my games.

In terms of hardware, the 3DS is slightly not up to par with what I expected.  Using the 3D camera is an awesome feature, as well as the augmented reality games and the "Face Raiders" game, but the quality of the camera is kind of depressing, with a low 0.3 MP camera outside and inside.  In addition, the built'in internet browser is a little difficult to use, without Flash compatibility also.  However, the 3DS isn't for surfing the web or taking pictures, it's for playing games.  The new analog stick, accelerometer, and gyroscope at a brand-new spectrum of possibility for developers, and hopefully they will take advantage of that soon.

The price of the hardware is also hefty, at $250, but with the games the console provides it will be worth it.  Bottom line:  You have lots of games, the 3DS is bomb.

-Great games
-3D function
-Great features (camera, internet, gryoscope, accelerometer, 3D)

-Low quality camera
-Only worth the price if you have a supply of games

In the end, I give this product an 8 out of 10.  Check back for more reviews soon!


Project In Development

Announcing our first project:
Pixel on paper by game developer Khan Tango!!
More details will be coming in the next few days/weeks, so keep an eye out for new posts!
Also, Gweedin is working on some graphics for his new game, which does not have a name at the moment!  So, remember to check soon for updates, and we MIGHT have release dates for y'all in several days.!!!

New Developing Platform!

After using the famous gaming platform, Game Maker 8 Pro, to create my games for about 4 years, I decided to find a new developing platform.  After looking on sites to publish and share my GM Games to, I stumbled upon a very popular site, Kongregate.  I reviewed it and noticed that you could get money for posting games on the site!  I quickly decided to post my video game (which will be posted on the site soon) that I made from Game Maker onto the site.  Unfortunately, the site only supports .swf and Unity3D files.

And so, the development team has found a new developing program that we will create our games from...


This developing engine is EXTREMELY easy, yet allows the programmer to focus more on testing and designing the game, rather than sit and code all day.  Thus, the team will be using this platform to create games, and a new game will be announced soon!  *wink* *wink*

In addition, the team has created a Twitter page!  Check it out by clicking the twitter button on the top left or right!  Well, see you later!