Hello.  I'm Khan, from GT Studios.  You may not know much about us, so I'd like to tell a little bit more of what I, as well as my partner, plan to complete in the future.

GT Studios is a game developing website, aimed toward creating simple yet fun Adobe Flash and Game Maker games to play, and we hope to submit our games to Kongregate to receive additional feedback in playing our games.  We're very familiar with technology, and we plan to go somewhat far in what we create.  In the summer and winter, we will most likely be more productive and will update the blog more frequently than during spring and fall, but we plan to update the blog everyday if we can.

On the site, we plan to talk about news in our upcoming games, and even allow you to play them via Kongregate on the tabs shown above.  However, we will also be discussing broader topics, like technology overall, creating product reviews and/or news of upcoming pieces of technology coming soon as some of our posts as well.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding us, feel free to email us at patesho@gmail.com.  Later!